A recent discussion on the impending legalization in Canada fostered an interesting thought as I looked over and saw my cigar humidor: “Bud storage is about to take a major philosophy shift“.
For many years the common approach was to simply keep your stash out of sight. To that end, storage containers had that primary goal in mind. Other considerations were only secondary. Yet for cigars, the options for keeping them in a perfect state for consumption have been around a very long time and include fixtures that look wonderful in any furnished room.
So, how do we make the transition from false bottom pop cans and hidden compartments to visible and good looking storage solutions? The market has begun getting a sense of this coming need and has started to provide solutions. Not many, but some. I fully expect that some of the most interesting ideas will first come from individual creations.
A cannabis humidor available from Cannador
For a non concealed storage option, consider the wooden box humidor. They are available in different colors and sizes, so finding a match for your décor should not be a problem. Be sure to get one made specifically for weed use, as cigar humidors are made with Spanish cedar and those strong terpenes can affect weed flavour. There will be a need for non-concealed or furniture-style storage that does not fit the standard, cigar humidor image. Time will reveal just how that develops.
Concealed weed humidors come in a few different styles and shapes such as tool boxes or even a mini safe. Most humidors come with accessories such as a hygrometer to monitor humidity and some means of controlling humidity such as moisture absorbing materials that are specific to given moisture ranges. If a product you are considering does not have those essential features, you will need to purchase them separately.
If you have a nice homemade stash box that looks good and serves to keep your buds at the perfect humidity for smoking and preserving flavour, please email some photos of them to us and we will highlight the best ones.
As expected, British Columbia will enact some of the most common sense recreational cannabis legislation in the country. As with many other provinces, British Columbia chose to make use of their own established liquor control mechanism. BC’s Liquor Distribution Branch (LBD) will manage distribution and sales.
The LBD will become the sole wholesale buyer and supplier of recreational cannabis. Retail recreational locations will only be allowed to purchase cannabis products from the LBD. It is by this means the province seeks to ensure the safety of all products sold. How this will affect things such as variety and potency are a matter of ‘time will tell’. We have already one province that is legislating a potency cap on the amount of THC to be sold recreationally; we will get into that discussion more when we get to Ontario.
There will be a series of publicly owned retail locations and an unspecified number of licensed, private retail outlets. This inclusion of the vast experience already to be found in the B.C. cannabis labour pool is, to date, the most progressive model proposed in Canada. For anyone already involved medically or otherwise, this will provide tremendous opportunities to step out of the shadows of prohibition and turn their incredibly valuable experience and know how into a societally beneficial career.
For urban areas, private or public recreational cannabis stores are not allowed to be combined with another business, such as liquor stores or pharmacies. BC does acknowledge the differing requirements of rural locations, however, and it is clear that exceptions can and will be made for rural operators.
Initially, stores will only be allowed to sell dried cannabis, cannabis oils and related accessories. It is not yet clear how they define ‘oils’, so we can only presume that will include items such as hash, rosin, shatter, distillates, etc. Current regulation limits purchases to 30 grams of dried cannabis or oil equivalent per person. Edibles will not be available until a year later. We presume this is due to a lack of large scale edible providers that can offer the type of quality control the province requires in relation to potency and established food preparation/sales requirements.
Online non-medical sales will be exclusively handled by the province. Private retail outlets are not permitted to do any online sales for recreational use. At the time this article was written, the province was in the process of seeking e-commerce proposals; as such, it is expected that recreational online sales will not be ready by July 2018.
British Columbia will begin accepting applications for private retail recreational cannabis stores in the spring of 2018. If you are reading this and wish to get in the B.C. recreational cannabis business, it’s almost time. May the Herb be with you.
Right out of the bag, the strong terpenes intrude the senses with a strong aroma of citrus that is almost lemony. As I was breaking it up, the scent became stronger and a bit sweeter. The smell is very pleasing to the senses.
The texture was fairly dense and had the perfect amount of humidity. The nug was easy to break up into the ideal size for easy rolling. The initial taste was incredibly smooth. Combined with a very low cough tendency, it makes for a very enjoyable smoke.
Nearing the halfway point, the flavours became more pronounced and the profile changed. The namesake, Grapefruit, became much more prevalent, as that was the taste that dominated more and more through to the end.
As the effect started to kick in, it became quickly obvious this is a day tripper’s dream smoke. The head high is the only real noticeable effect, as there is little to no body high whatsoever. A nice sense of relaxed energy settled at the top of my head in what I described in my review notes as an “energetic halo like an electric mushroom cap”.
Grapefruit is a definite mood lifter and a complementary companion to anything creative. Strength and duration are both very strong; getting lost in an enjoyable task for a couple of hours would be very easy. As the day progressed, there was no real crash at all and the duration was long and slow to fade. This strain makes for an excellent day starter for mood and motivation.
Ailments that would benefit from Grapefruit fall along the typical sativa range: hunger, pain, anxiety and, in particular, depression.
Cough Index: 0.4 of 5
Taste: 4.9 of 5
Effect: 4.9 of 5
Overall: 9.5 of 10 A strong and predictable sativa.
If you’re interested in purchasing Grapefruit, visit our partner here: Visit TrueMeds Now
This review was an interesting experience for an old dog who matured long before the dab and shatter generation. The most potent product we ever saw in the ’70s and ’80s was Honey Oil. RAW may look a lot like the sweet, paper grease of old, but that is where the similarities end.
I have to admit, the passionate enthusiast in me really was excited to try this as soon as it arrived. Looking at the box label and seeing the 95% THC was almost unbelievable. I’ve sampled some of the best herb there is here and there over the years. Knowing that even a 30% THC bud is not carboxylated, you might think I would have had a better sense of how potent this product would be. The truth is, I underestimated its strength.
Getting a paper ready I set out to roll a nice old-school spliff. The almost solid at room temperature RAW took a little warming to allow it to squeeze out of the nice glass syringe, and a big old gob went on the paper. One thing that stands out is the lack of odour. There are no terpenes to provide aroma, so the unflavored RAW is almost fully devoid of scent.
Once rolled and lit, the almost complete lack of taste combines with a lack of smell to give the false impression of an inert oil being smoked. A medium-strength cough trigger and thick exhaled clouds were the first real indication this was far from inert. The second came after about the one third mark of the spliff as a clean, strong high began to set in. That’s usually a good indication to stop for a bit and see what the next few minutes bring.
On this day, I was not as conservative as I should have been and kept going until about the two thirds point before stopping. By that point, a very strong head high had set in, as well as a very strong body high with full couch lock mode engaged. The next little while was spent almost stunned by how high the RAW high was.
I would not recommend strong doses of RAW if you had stuff you needed to get done. The only thing I accomplished after 30 minutes was finding something to watch on Netflix. Thirty minutes after that, I was asleep.
After an hour-and-a-half weed nap, I was awake, but foggy and was still under strong couch-lock effects. The next day, there was a very real weed hangover for the entire day. The hangover was not so much uncomfortable as it was a day in slow motion.
RAW would be a great choice for many different ailments such as pain, insomnia, anxiety and depression. I strongly suggest, however, starting with very small amounts to truly gauge personal tolerance and required effect dosing.
Cough Index: 2.0 of 5
Taste: 0 of 5
Effect: 5 of 5
Overall: 9.5 of 10
If you’re interested in purchasing RAW Distillate, visit our partner here: Visit TrueMeds Now
The most important do not is simple, do not break the law. MellowMeds does not advocate for anyone to put themselves in a position to face criminal penalties. The simplest way to avoid trouble is stay within the law, both federal and provincial. We will outline each proposed and/or passed provincial legislation, province by province, and what it means for you.
Alberta: Bill 26: An Act to Control and Regulate Cannabis (Ganley)
Alberta has bundled recreational cannabis in with the current provincial liquor and gaming laws, renaming the “Gaming and Liquor Act” to “Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act”. Sales and distribution will be controlled and regulated by the same body that oversees gambling and liquor, known as The Commission. All suppliers and retailers are required to be authorized and licensed through The Commission.
Age restriction requirements are the same as with alcohol and gaming, prohibited for anyone under the legal age. Anyone the age of 25 or under must be prepared to show photo identification at each visit and will be refused service without it.
Retail stores will be privately owned and licensed through The Commission. A store’s location must be approved by The Commission and cannot contravene Municipal by-laws with regard to location and hours of operation. A clause in the legislation makes a license non-grantable to any agent, employee, member of The Commission, the board, as well as where the property owner or partial owner is any of the above. We consider these to be reasonable conflict of interest protections.
All licensed retailers will have the ability to access the same prices across the board for the same products. The result of this fixed pricing means that there will be no price advantage for larger retailers or chain stores. Those wanting to be successful will have to do it the old fashioned way: Friendly, knowledgeable staff and great service. Weed stores will sell only weed and weed-related accessories. As well, no employee is to be paid based on how much product is sold. Commission-based fast talkers don’t really fit the mellow nature of weed culture anyway.
Retailers are not allowed to enter agreements with any suppliers to promote their specific brand or product. My take is that there will be posters and displays for different items, but suppliers are not permitted to pay retailers directly or through product for promotion. All brands are equal.
Home growing has been left as deferred to the federal regulation proposed (it may pass amended) at 4 plants per household, with each plant being no more than 3 feet tall. The metric system apparently got lost with this legislation, having dropped on floor and rolled under the couch like a seed.
Permitted smoking locations are to be the same as with tobacco.
A change to the laws gives police the authority to seize a vehicle if cannabis is found in it along with a concealed weapon or explosives. So, stick to the comfort of home. Bongs, not bombs! Also, don’t leave your weed lying around. Should a police officer find some weed with ‘no apparent owner’, he/she can confiscate it. You can get it back if you prove legitimate ownership, but do you really want to be that person calling the Alberta courts asking how to go about getting your stinky buds back? Me neither! 🙂
For Albertans, this will be a welcome addition to the retail marketplace. With privately licensed retail stores, there will be a wide variety of styles and locations. A great deal of new jobs will be created and experienced ‘BudTenders’ will be in demand. Private ownership is good for smaller local economies and it will prove to be a steady source of employment, community support and involvement. Stoners are, after all, a kind, social bunch.
By Echando una mano – Coat of arms of the province of Alberta in the Canadian Heraldic Authority site, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=56626163
This review was a ‘savour every aspect’ experience from the very start. Upon opening the pouch, there was a strong, earthy-flowery smell that was very pleasant. A dense layer of bright clear trichomes that sparkled in bright light made for a very pretty sight.
Breaking up the nug released a very strong, almost skunky aroma. The mix of light and dark greens were almost blended together by the heavy crystal coating. Getting it rolled was made easy due to it breaking up just the right amount and the initial smooth soft flavour was very pleasant. Subtle herb garden would be how I could best describe it, with an almost-sweet aftertaste.
The burn was medium duration and was very even, leaving a light ash. Putting down the doobie would see itself extinguish fairly quickly. Like all the best strains, the flavour profile changed as it burned, with hints of mint and a nutty taste that became stronger as the end neared.
The high comes on a bit slow, but isn’t quite a creeper, so it won’t sneak up on you. Very heady is the best description, as there is little body effect while being very mentally uplifting. Do not, however, let the slow approach have you believe this strain is anything but a Mack truck. While it may be slow to kick in, it kicks in hard. For 10 minutes after I finished smoking, the high became more and more intense. Had I smoked the whole thing, I would likely have ended up binge watching Netflix and propping up microwave popcorn stocks.
In moderate amounts, this would be a great companion to a nice dinner and good conversation. If you are looking to become Forrest Gump for a couple of hours, however this would be a good way to get there.
Anti-anxiety and appetite-stimulant requirements would be well met with this strain. Pain and depression sufferers would also find this beneficial.
Cough index: 1 of 5
Taste: 4.5 of 5
Effect: 4.8 of 5
Overall: 9 of 10 A very enjoyable strain.
If you’re interested in purchasing Sour Puss, visit our partner here: Visit TrueMeds Now
The lineage for Deep Space is as hardy as it comes: Romulan and Deep Chunk. Together, they result in heavily crystal-coated, light-green, dense nugs with some nice purples, thick hairs and a strong rusty-orange colour. Breaking it up unleashed a tangy pine aroma with what also seemed like a hint of light coffee.
The indica heritage was immediately obvious, with a very hashy flavour as soon as I had a taste. As it burned, flavours became more enriched, almost bright, with a gentle flower-like sense that blended nicely with the not-so-subtle hash taste. Cough triggers were a bit stronger than recent strains, but not so much as to make it uncomfortable. Coughing was easily managed by taking more conservative hits. Ash was a bit on the dark side and dense.
One of the best thing about doing these reviews is being surprised from time to time and this was one of those occasions. I settled in, expecting a hash-like body buzz and likely couch lock. I was pleased when it sneaked up on me and ever so gently settled on top of my head. This sensation is known as the silk parachute effect. As I was noticing the sativa level of cerebral activity taking place, a nice, mellow body buzz also set in. This indica is complex. The couch lock often associated with indicas was not really present. In fact, I ended up taking the dog for a very long walk.
Almost 2 hours after consuming, the high was still strong and still very cerebral for the most part. For being creative or for social occasions, this would be an excellent choice. A cold night, warm partner, candle light dinner and some roses would also accompany this strain very well. Later into the evening, the gradual wearing off was not at all crash-like and made for a most comfortable, relaxed state that made falling asleep pretty easy.
Overall, the initial effect is very sativa-like, with just a hint of the indica body high. Over time, the effects change places and the almost couch-lock levels of body buzz become dominant. Even with cerebral clarity and activity, it was still a very relaxed, overall state, making this possibly a good choice for anxiety, depression, appetite enhancement and sleep.
Cough index: 1.5 of 5
Taste: 4.8 of 5
Effect: 4.7 of 5
Overall: 8 of 10 (A lower cough index would see this an easy 9.5.)
If you’re interested in purchasing Deep Space, visit our partner here: Visit TrueMeds Now
This strain is one of the most enjoyable reviews I have done to date. Before I could even get a nug out of the bag and onto the table, a bright, fruity odour hit my senses. The scent is beyond pleasant; it should be a room freshener choice. The aroma is rich, without the pine or citrus that tend to dominate the stronger cannabis smells. Fresh meadow, green grass and fruit orchard hints combine beautifully, making this one of the very best smelling strains I have ever experienced.
The nug broke down nicely into the perfect size for a bowl or joint, but texture really took a backseat in focus to the even richer aroma released by the hand grinder. The blueberry scent was now more present and up front. At this point, I was eager to try it.
Disappointment was no where to be found. The first taste delivered what I was expecting and more. The blueberry taste was subtle, combined with an overall fruity note and sweet melon. Smoking features a very low cough trigger and inhaling the rich, smooth, aromatic cloud is an enjoyable experience in and of itself. This strain is a real treat for those who enjoy a more tactile approach and wish to savour each aspect of the experience from start to finish as a connoisseur of fine wines might.
The initial high comes on fairly strong from just one good hit and is very cerebral. If being active and busy is on your agenda, that one good hit may be where you might want to hold for a while. As my initial puffs were taking effect, very uplifting is the best way I can describe the high. Mentally, it was quite energizing and it led to me getting a bunch of stuff done, which my wife always loves. If you are on a schedule of any kind, be mindful of how this strain may affect your sense of time. Once I was up and busy, two hours went by without me even noticing. Had I not stopped to work on the foundation of this review, two more hours would have passed in a haze of productivity.
Even after two busy hours, the high was still almost as strong as at the onset with no come-down crash becoming apparent. It was more out of curiosity than anything that had me reach for and finish the rest of the doobie. It was about finished when an old classic rock favorite hit the speakers. The next thing I knew, my trusty, old, acoustic guitar was in my arms and I spent the next couple of hours banging away in some delayed, mid-life crisis delight on an imaginary stage for “Everyone’s Got Talent”.
I rate this strain highly, but suggest it is for daytime use only. Trying to sleep under its full effects would be pointless. It would be a good choice for daytime pain relief, enhancing appetite and general motivation.
Cough index: 0.7 of 5
Taste: 4.3 of 5
Effect: 4.5 of 5
Overall: 8.8 of 10
If you’re interested in purchasing Blue Dream, visit our partner here:
Upon opening the package and breaking it up a bit, the initial smell reminded me of Play-Doh with a side of earthiness. The colour of this bud is a mix of light and darker greens, as you would expect with most indica strains. A thick coating of kief was clearly visible, as were the light, rust-coloured hairs.
This batch was a bit on the dry side, so the count was rich with nice big nugs that required a more gentle touch breaking it up. Despite being dry, it burned nice and slow, with a very smooth but thick dense smoke.
Initial taste was a subtle-yet-flowery perfume combined with a nut shell and slight hashy overtones. There was a soft, almost sweet, nutty aftertaste that was reminiscent of the holiday nuts we scarfed as kids.
Cough reflex was as low as I had ever experienced with any strain. Having consumed about half a joint with no hint of needing to cough caught my attention. Having pondered that for a bit longer than I would have expected, it became clear the head high was already kicking in and had arrived gently but steady, almost stealth-like. At this point, I became aware of the full body relaxation effects taking hold. Soon there was a complete relaxation of body and mind that almost felt like a soft, silk parachute of mellow had drifted down over me. The effects were long lasting; two hours later, I felt just as buzzed as I did after 30 minutes.
Couch lock was minimal to almost zero, even being very relaxed. Long deep philosophical discussions are likely, as is inspired creativity. This strain is a great choice for a movie night or dinner party.
This would a great choice for conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, RLS and pain relief.
Cough index: 0.2 of 5
Taste: 4 of 5
Effect: 4.5 of 5
Overall: 8.5 of 10
If you’re interested in purchasing Rock Steady, visit our partner here:
Twelve thousand years. One hundred and twenty centuries. Four hundred-plus generations.
While the number may actually be much larger, archeological records confirmed that we have cultivated cannabis for at least 12,000 years. How much longer is impossible to say, as it predates any form of recorded history. Prehistoric hunters found with hemp clothing and cannabis itself open the possibility that humans have always used cannabis.
The first known medicinal use of cannabis dates back to 4,000 B.C. in China. Cannabis was used as an anesthetic for surgery. Throughout the B.C. era, period cannabis flourished from Asia and Siberia into the Middle East and Europe. The plant was widely used for many purposes, with hemp and fibre production being the vast majority of use.
From the A.D. era, cannabis spread first into the African continent, followed by the U.K and, later, South America. While it may have landed in South America as early as the 1600’s, it did not find its way to North America until the 1800’s. In North America, Cannabis flourished as a miracle medicine whose main ingredients were components of thousands of medical elixirs sold by everyone from doctors to snake oil salesmen. Hemp farms were commonplace and provided significant quantities of valuable fiber and oils at low cost.
Our history with this ‘weed’ has been quite peaceful one, save for approximately the last 100 years. With social and industrial pressures turning against Cannabis use and hemp production, the war on cannabis has been a tragedy of epic proportions. We’ll discuss prohibition as the topic of a future blog post.
Until then, may health, healing and herb be with you.